The site Turning Points in Urban Development of Cities is still under construction!
Copyright for the concept of Turning Points in Urban Development of Cities lies with gerhard gross, studio karonga.
Work in progress is published continously and I am glad to receive comments and recommendations.
The study is based on four main sources:
- The findings of studies related to the history of urban development of Munich as published in Munich as Planned (München wie geplant), Franz Schiermeier Verlag 2004
- Availability of historic city maps in high quality as privided by the David Rumsey Map Collection and many other archives around the world
- Studies, articles and papers on the urban development of cities worldwide accessible in the Web
- The usage of QGIS to include georeferenced historic raster maps into vector maps allowing the layering of historic and present day maps and comparison of cities at the same scale.
All editing and georeferencing of historic maps is done by studio karonga using Affinity Photo and QGIS.